me & the devil.

“Who am I to sympathize when no one gave a damn?“
l'asiya 'threnody fang' nakia.
mateus. est.
updated: june. 27. 2024.
How do you fall in love
? Harder than a bullet could hit you
. How do we fall apart
? Faster than a hairpin trigger
. Don't you say, don't you say it. Don't say, don't you say it. One breath, it'll just break it. So shut your mouth and run me like a river. Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver
Holy hands, will they make me a sinner?
Tales of an endless heart
. Cursed is the fool who's willing
. Can't change the way we are. One kiss away from killing
. Don't you say, don't you say it. Don't say, don't you say it. One breath, it'll just break it. Choke this love 'til the veins
start to shiver
. One last breath 'til the tears
start to wither
. Like a river, like a river.
Shut your mouth and run me like a river
this page and character involve heavy themes of: domestic abuse and violence, sexual assault, semblances of stockholm syndrome, PTSD, suicidal themes, drug use, heavy alcohol use, self destructive tendencies, battered persons syndrome, cognitive dissonance . all themes are optional on a base or surface level.it is asked that you proceed with caution. if you do not wish to delve into deeper territories, but still wish to interact with the character this is very much an option, just /tell me about your sensitivities, i am extremely understanding. please take care of yourself first and foremost.

guidelines & ooc.
ooc info.
ㅤㅤHello! I apologize for this, but I am going to be blunt right out of the gate for those this needs to be said to. I am a 30+ year old enby who is far too tired to deal with people. I am taken, I am happy, I am not here to be your hand holding mother. Do not get uppity with me if we do not keep in constant contact if we begin to rp, if I managed to be comfortable enough to add you on discord don't expect me to always speak up first. I rarely add people, and I am currently very busy at this point in my life with the love of my life, and he takes precedence. I apologize for coming off harsh but I've dealt with people who expect every second of my attention, and I can't do it anymore. Thank you for understanding.ㅤㅤI go by Pill Bug! Or just Bug.ㅤㅤYou Are Very Welcome to ask for MARE if wanted! I am happy to exchange though i prefer we have rped or plan to, just know I have alts so don't be surprised and feel free to name my code by my OOC name so you can figure out who I am.ㅤㅤI love dark content, horror, novella, and lots of funky themes. That being said, I don't have to write that! If you are sensitive to certain topics, please, please tell me. otherwise, please gush with me about the grimdark side of life!I'll fill out more if I feel there's anything I need to share. ♥

get to know me and show you're not a strange person and i'll gladly add you.
fc carrd.
i run an fc, check out the carrd here: [tbd]
Here if you want to keep up with alts or my gposes.
ㅤㅤ21+ general engagement please. I am a 30+ taken person who enjoys writing and exploring dark topics, etc. I am not opposed to writing with 18-20 year olds, but I prefer to write with those in the middling range. Not by way of thinking those ranges cannot write well, it's simply my comfort level and those I wish to interact with. not to mention, most of y'all are still immature little shits and beyond my patience range.

ㅤㅤMy Characters tend to be polyamorous, not polygamist. I enjoy multishipping, but with a small number of people. Do not try to 'steal' my character from my main ship. You will be blocked very quickly.If you find yourself blurring lines, you might want to immediately step back. I will not take flirtation, serious attempts at my relationship, etc. That being said, if we ERP that is not a 'our characters are dating' signifier. It is not a 'Threnody loves your character' sign.Threnody has sex out of a rebellious inclination. It is rare she feels much emotionally. Work for it.
ㅤㅤNo canon NPC characters, EXTREME lore breaking characters, or characters that just don't make sense in Eorzea. I am willing to bend a lot of lore, accept familiars, goat peoples, etc, and I am willing to make plenty of excuses to make interesting characters work. I vibe with well played realistic voidsent, allagan androids, etc -- But please make it make sense and expect responses accordingly for cases of Voidsent, etc.

ㅤㅤThemes: I generally rp dark themes, as my character within her personal life deals with many, many dark issues. If there are sensitive topics to you, feel free to steer clear of me if need be or let me know if there is something you can't deal with. Threnody deals with PTSD, is a CSA survivor, and many of the things that connects with such. I use my characters to write out issues I've personally had, and none of these are written with the intention to fetishize / mishandle / etc.That being said, if you want to interact on a surface level, you can let me know so I avoid topics uncomfortable for you. ♥
ㅤㅤDon't make a fool of yourself. THIS IS THE IC =/= OOC RULE. I will not tolerate if you are someone who gets insanely offended over IC instances. [i.e. you believe your character was insulted, 'called dumb' in instances even if they weren't, and you decide to take it upon yourself to get up in arms OOC, as well as IC.] I will not respond to passive aggressive whispers in /tell, I will respond to you in /say so that everyone is aware of your behavior.ㅤㅤI am tired of being harassed over this nonsense. I will never treat you with OOC malice IC, even if I do not like you as a person. That being said, I understand that some people do take things too far with OOC malice. If my character seems antagonistic, and you're just worried, so long as you ask me I will happily clarify. [ Hey So-And-So, I just wanted to make sure this is all IC because of anxiety/etc/whatever. ]ㅤㅤI am happy to reassure you, I am not happy to be accused. We're all here to have fun and write stories, not use RP as an outlet to be nasty/bully/etc, or so I'd like to hope. [ ex. what not to do ]MORE THINGS NOT TO DO: Stop taking IC anger OOC. If your character has openly stated they are voidsent adjacent, a murderer, this that or the other tabboo/less acepted things, YOU WILL GET A REACTION. ESPECIALLY IF YOU OPENLY ADMIT TO SHORTENING PEOPLES LIVES FOR POWER. JUST BECAUSE IT IS CONSENSUAL DOESN'T MEAN YOU AREN'T SHORTENING SOMEONES LIFE. NORMAL EORZEANS/ETC WILL NOT TAKE KINDLY TO THAT. SO DON'T DO THIS THING WHEN YOU GET AN IC RESPONSE/RAPPORT BUILT THAT IS NEGATIVE. i will not want TO HOLD YOUR CHARACTERS HAND AND BE BEST FRIENDS. If your character thinks mine is wrong for being angry and wishing yours to perish, THEN ADDRESS IT ICLY. If you think my character is being 'weird' or a 'bully', please reassess yourself as playing an outlandish character with opinions that wouldn't make sense to ANYONE but yours and voidsent/nightkin/ashkin/killer/imperial sympathizers.

ㅤㅤLast but not least -- LETS HAVE FUN! That's what we're all here for. Even if I'm not a fan of you, your character, etc -- the worst I will do is avoid you. Do not take it personally, it's just a personal choice! So even if you and I don't get along, I hope you enjoy your time just as much as I hope I enjoy mine.IF you try to talk to me, interact with me or get my attention and I don't even look at you, let alone respond, I may have blacklisted you fully. To get on my blacklist, you might have done the following:• Spammed in an rp area.
• Interacted negatively before in a way that was unpleasant OOC.
• RP in a way that I dislike greatly. (Metagaming, etc)Otherwise! Have a wonderful day and thanks for checking out my carrd!
misc links.
lore and research.
If you're one of the below listed 'classifications', make sure to brush up on some of these links. If you are one of those people that decides metagaming the universe of the game is the way to go to play you're twilight fanfic characters, then you're just going to get an insta block instead.
Do us all a favor and rp your character in a way that makes sense, don't get angry ooc at negative interactions ic, and don't manipulate the universe to serve your will, esp in a way that puts other people out.Healthy Lorebending = ✓
Unhealthy Lorebreaking = ✗
Voidsent Lore ff fandom page.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ tumblr: lorebook transcript.
Necromancy/Ashkin Lore tumblr gathered sources.
Nightkin Lore redmage and nightkin lore from game.

Thanks for stopping by. ♥

Your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything is fine
But I wish I was dead.

Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise.

name. l'asiya nakia.
aka. threnody fang [stage / public facing name]
age. 25. [?]
race. seeker of the sun, miqo'te.
birthday / nameday 3rd Sun of the sixth astral moon. [11/3]
astrological sign / guarding deity. [♏] nophica.
gender. cis-female
pronouns she / her.
sexuality. pansexual. polyamorous.
height. 4'7". 185 cm.
weight. 95pz
hair. desaturated brown, light ashy highlights. straightened / Styled various ways. It is naturally wavy, but she will straighten it out of it's wild curls on occasion.
eye color. deep, rich gold.
skin tone. dark, warm, tanned.
notable features. Sharp eyes that are like fire. Fennec fox-like ears and tail. Frequently has 'diamonds' glued to her skin.
voice claim. lana del rey
voice references. [ x ] [ x ]
occupation. lounge singer / burlesque artist, primarily performs at the gold saucer.
place of origin. sagolii desert.
home. an apartment around thanalan.
affiliation. the gold saucer / the mandervilles [semi-loosely] / prophet lounge.
family. tribe and family are both deceased.
marital status. locked in a forced relationship. 'unavailable'. she plays around, but is forbade to 'fall for anyone else'.
d&d alignment. chaotic neutral.
mbti. ESFP-T.
likes. dance, music, alcohol, cigarettes, sunbathing, other miqo'te, painting, drawing.
dislikes. her manager, dry skin, being touched without permission.
virtues. brave, strong willed, gracious, empathetic.
flaws. selfish, temperamental, anxious, embittered.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊹ dark side — bishop briggs
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊹ born to die — lana del rey
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊹ 911 — ellise
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊹ doubt — bridge city sinners
personality. Once a joyful, happy child, age brought a certain jaded nature
to the woman. Where she would enjoy her life, her interests, her song -- she now only feels a growing of resentment in the thing she must now do to survive. bitter, jaded, it shows well on her face with little attempt to hide it. She will show disgust
, she will show a sense of self importance
-- but only when she knows she is being looked at off stage
. on stage, the woman smiles and winks
, on stage the woman laughs and giggles
while performing burlesque, or plays at moody when she sings...yet when no one is looking? her lips fall, her features forlorn
. she is a sad and depressed individual, her heart aching
at an ever constant. she is the epitome of the bleeding heart artist
that many teachers and mentors alike despise. leading by emotion, it practically rolls off of her in the gentle dip of shoulders, the lilt of her gaze and tremble of her lip. even the least
empathetic of people can feel the radiating sadness when she allows it to be seen, or is caught off guard and without knowing one is there.were she a free woman, she might be entirely different
, but right now? she is guarded, angry, and cold to those who try to break through without her consent. She has learned to play chameleon, and with her growing interest in escaping, she is doing what she can to scare less people away, and potentially sway them towards her cause.
I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side.
Trivia & Attributes
threnody is, and would by technical definition, be considered a lich. while she is not fully dead, nor a technical ashkin, it would appear that her soul had been fractured. this does not make her super powered, nor does she have any super attributes. no, instead, with a burning chain around her very life essence that remains, she only wishes to return herself to the way she was. these days, her hope is dwindled to it's smallest remaining amount.
she was tricked by her manager into signing a contract laden with magical clauses that took a part of herself away from her. she was 15 when this happened, the contractor was her manager. This began his plans to later fracture her soul, as technically, it belonged to him.
threnody had wanted to be a dancer/singer since childhood. she was given the opportunity to go and learn abroad by a mysterious man aka her current manager. her unknowing youth accepted.
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threnody learned and performed traditional ul'dahn burlesque. having been brought to the city-statevia a sharlayan performer in the earlier years, it quickly caught on with troupes. threnody has learned a variety of dances, but many of the ones she performs these days will consist of musical numbers, minor comedic stings, and a majority risqué performance.
threnody is a bit of a musical virtuoso. she has been taught to play many instruments, and to sing while doing so. some of the known instruments are: violin, piano, cello, bass, flute, trumpet, accoustic guitar.
threnody's singing consists of strong use of vibrato and emotion. she oft' sings from the chest, lower toned and deeper for stronger output, and uses precise drawls and manipulations of words to add greater emotion to things as well as a different sound.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ⊹thirteen.
threnody has lost several lovers. any man or woman she has gotten close to has met a horrible end. She tries to hide them, she tries to stave the inevitable... It never quite goes how she'd hope. Whether they turn out to be abusive individuals with ill intent, or genuine whole hearted people — they never see a fate that ends in a simple break up.fourteen.
threnody enjoys life art as well as some illustration. she had an artistic streak that she never outwardly shares with anyone else. She's heard tale of a practice involving artistic and aetheric combinations lately, something of pictomancers on the rise, and it has her... curious.
one night, after being convinced to leave her tribe by the man who would become her manager, her entire tribe would mysteriously vanish, thought to have been slaughtered.
being as short as she is, she is horribly intimidated by taller races. roegadyn and elezen make her relatively uneasy to be around. she hates to be overpowered, or feel as though she has a lack of power. this leads her to enjoy wearing high heels and platforms.
she has her own apartment in one of the housing districts of ul'dah. it is one of her own safe spaces where she is generally and completely alone. for some time there was at least some form of surveillance around her apartment, but these days her manager has come to 'trust' her... Or so he says.
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though she loves to sunbathe, though she loves the heat and warmth and sunlight — when it thunderstorms, she is her most at ease. she loves the rain and the bass of the rolling thunder that she can feel in her very pulse. it makes her happy, and brings her a kind of zen.
she is in a relationship she doesn't wish to be in. a portion of her contract sold her hand as well as her soul to the man who ushered her to sign it. she has a strict eye on her interactions with others, and she is forced to keep a distance from most men & women and if not — she must at the very least dare not to ever grow too close to anyone; male or female.
she is somewhat steeped in the mentality of possible stockholm, scared to death to even try to find a way out now. she has a hard time listening to unwarranted advice, even if it would do her good... At least this was until more recently. She is beginning to grow restless.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ⊹fifteen.
threnody has an issue with drugs. cocaine being the biggest issue, but fogweed, dreamweed, moko, and other lighter drugs are in the contenders. However, alcohol is one of the major ones on the list. There is a rare moment that she will be found without a glass of wine in her hand, or something harder.sixteen.
threnody currently partakes in underground fighting. tired of her listless life of glitz and glamour, she longs for grit. picking up a mask and proper attire, she aims to hit the pits and make another name for herself as paprika. she uses her chakrams and her fire with a sharp intent to always win, and if not win -- at the least, go out with a bang.

ㅤㅤskill one.
traditional ul'dahn burlesque dance & cabaret. brought to ul'dah by a traveling sharlayan long from home in the mid-1500's, the form of dance, theater and entertainment begins it's spread. At some point, Threnody and her manager take up the art. having used threnody's natural talents in the start, it began to meld once her manager came into the knowledge of the cabaret-esk style.
ㅤㅤskill two.
sagolii fire performance. from the age of 5, threnody was shown to feel anything but fear where fire was concerned. she has learned various "tricks of the trade" when it comes to traditional performance work. from 5-to-15 she learned every technique she realistically could. her favorite technique involves the use of the poi, a pair of roughly arm-length chains with handles attached to one end, and bundle of wicking material on the other.
ㅤㅤskill three.
native sagolii charm making. threnody learned from ages 7-to-10 to perfect the art of charm making from bone and stone. she would oft' take up bone from hunters of the tribe to morph and work the osseous material to make necklaces. the same beasts alike would have provided scraps for woven leather necklaces to go with said charms. she still makes these charms to this day from time to time -- though it is mostly with stone instead of bone.
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ㅤㅤskill four.
native sagolii homeopathy. threnody was taught young of the four sacred medicines which consists of: tobacco , sage , sweet grass, & cedar. while she smoked cigarettes in disregard to her own heritage's beliefs where tobacco is concerned, she does still occasionally re-produce age old rituals her tribe once partook in. as for the other sacred medicines, she is and always will use these first and foremost over other medicines and even magic.
ㅤㅤskill five.
aether sensitivity & high reserves threnody can feel the aura and range of a persons personal aether pool the second they enter a room. It starts as static at a distance, and when they grow nearer, she finds herself almost suffocated by the personal bubble. this being said, her own aether is thick, it is strong and it is of high commodity to her. others sensitive to aether can feel her suffocating presence just as she feels theirs.
ㅤㅤskill six.

welcome to my dark side, it's gonna be a long night.
aether & magic.
aspect of aether.
fire / astralaether manipulation.
moderate aetherical control and manipulation. sometimes unstable.magical prowess.
while attuned rather intensely to the aspect of fire, she doesn't use the element nor magic too much. occasionally she can be seen enhancing other skills with flame, on the rare chance she is ever fighting. she is typically forbade.
as a child, threnody had been a well known fire eater. she partook in acts of sword swallowing, fire eating and fire dancing as well. to this day, pyrotechnics at her show are not an infrequent thing. whether her clothing bursts into phoenix fire, leaving her in the garb beneath, or her stage itself catches alight in a controlled flame, she has found unique utilizations for the astral magic.in combat, she is knowing to set her weaponry alight, no matter what it may be. projectile, physical, ranged.
physical combat.
special weapons.
chakrams.special items.
a small shamshir [ kept at her hip. ]. concealed guthook knife.fighting style.
distance, dexterity, sharp stinging cuts.
chakrams and dance are her prime uses, her aether and flames channeled through the very act itself. her chakrams, heat resistant, are often seen scorching through the air -- brought back via aetheric strings to her side. what doesn't cut will sear, and what sears will likely catch and spread.when cornered, she uses a shamshir she has been trained to use since the age of 6. should this fail, she has a final concealed guthook.
secondary skills.
first-aid & Medicines.
still a medicine maker, she is only allowed what her manager allows -- and she happily uses her own means to make her own medicine for whens he is in need.minor tailoring.
while she is not a master tailor by any means, due to her occupation she has learned how to quick stitch a seam, hem an edge, or even an injury in a pinch.burlesque / cabaret.
not only is it her main occupation, but the study of it interests her greatly. she is well skilled, a virtuoso in song and music, and an artist in body manipulation and dance.fire performance.
working this into her other art forms, she still and will always heavily practice the art of fire performance. she has her tools, her fuels, and her magickal flames to work with.the best breakfast.
she loves to make herself and others a nice breakfast , though she rarely gets to cook for anyone but her manager. she isn't great at dinners or lunches, but sweet treats and breakfast is an easy win for her...
other skills.
hair dressing.
a small skill and smaller passion, she enjoys doing her own hair as well as the hair of other performers. despite her attitude and personality, back stage she will begrudgingly help other performers with their costumes... though deep down, she enjoys it..charcoal sketching.
she isn't much of an artist, but she spends her free time cooped up in passing by sketching with charcoal. she enjoys sketching portraits of women who pass in the street.smooth-talker.
she tends to talk her way out of trouble relatively easily. whatever her attitude can get her into, her lips can get her out of.origami.
after one trip to the east, and witnessing the lovely little paper foldings, one of the first things she did was pick up the art. she will give cranes to children often, outside of the line of sight of adults. these cranes oft' have little writings within, mostly aimed towards hope, prosperity, luck and healing.
threnody enjoys all arts, not just dance, and it shows through in a few of the things she has picked up over the years. at this point, she's old enough to know quite a bit, though she feels she should know more by now.she blames her manager for throttling her creativity.

threnody is a very focused woman, and does her best to be tactical in what she does. Think and then act, though that does not mean she isn't prone to acting in tandem with her thoughts at times. when it comes to other people, in most instances, she is a reliable puzzle solver. you would love her in a game of clue.
closed in and shut down.
unfortunately, threnody is more emotional than she'd like to give herself credit for. than she'd like to admit. impulsivity rules her, and her vain, spiteful depths tend to hold onto grudges when she is felt wronged.
health | ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ |
strength | ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ |
tenacity | ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ |
stamina | ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ |
intelligence | ★★★★★★★★★☆ |
dexterity | ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ |
perception | ★★★★★★★★★☆ |
creativity | ★★★★★★★★★★ |
charisma | ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ |
social skills | ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ |
empathy | ★★★★★★★★★★ |
confidence | ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ |
welcome to my darkness, i been here a while.

Clouding up the sunlight,
hurting for a smile
Acting like I'm heartless, I do it all the time

That don't mean I'm scarless, that don't mean I'm fine.
lore : childhood.
Born on the night of a desperate sand storm, Threnody took her place within a sect of the L tribe
. Nomadic, they would travel the expanse of the Sagolii desert in a consistent cycle. It kept their resources fresh, their feet on the move, and the Amalj'aa off their hides when they spent too long in their territory. Threnody was given the name Asiya of the Viper tribe, their sole light in the darkness. A little girl with a crown of fiery tongues, their Hope
on a dark night.Born with an affinity for fire, Asiya took quick to the element over the days that would follow. The years making it easier. A little fire starter, she was well known for inheriting the Nunh's great affinity for flames as well. Her prowess came quick, and her charismatic charm got her out of trouble when it came to mismanaging her elemental attunement.This lead her into their greater pride and heritage as well. This particular tribe was well known for their fire performances, how they would perform rituals of flame to the goddess of the sun, Azeyma. She would keep them warm, keep them sane, and keep them safe in their travels.
One night however... The Amalj'aa would attack. They spent far too long in the wrong territory, and it mattered not if they picked up and moved the next day — the beast tribe would descend upon them in the night. Seven years of age, Asiya would be dragged into the hills as their tents were set aflame, their own fuels used against them.They lost their Nunh , her father, this night.The following moons were morose for young Asiya. She watched the Tia's of the tribe begin their trials to see who would become their next leading male. She took the loss of not only her father, but friend, family and comrades hard. Her depression began around this time. She would lose herself to her anger and her fire more and more.Her mother would be lost soon after. An infection would take her within three suns, leaving the girl an inferno. She split from the others more oft than not, becoming far more angsty, destructive, and distant. She had a plot, a plan to end the beast tribes that brought her suffering, but those plans would never come to fruition. Luckily for her, she'd never have survived.

lore : teen years.

During her pre-teens to her mid-teens, she really sank herself into her interests. Song, dance, and performance arts were the things that gave her life -- and these days they were the few things not to drive her into a violent rage. Burning, flaying, she would begin her hunt against the Amalj'aa, and she would begin her revenge streak.A strong little thing at the time, something she would lose with her 'domestication', she put her soul into her performance around her craft with fire.It would be around this time that strangers began to seep into the lands of the Sagolii. Men garbed in black, faces covered by turbans, with eyes like sharks. They were horrifying to a girl like Asiya. They were strange, pale in places she could see, and they spoke with accents she didn't understand. Words different than her tribe were used to.Then she met one of the men, and he offered her a stick of wrapped brown paper. He urged it into her mouth, urged her fire to light it's end -- and the smoke that filled her lungs... Became her first addiction.
Tobacco had never tasted the way it did when he offered it to her outside of a pipe. It was strange, but she grew more curious of the men and their intentions. The other tribesman would scold her often for her intrigue, that she should not grow so interested in their ways, nor lay her guard down too easily to them. She spurned them all by this point.By now, with her true family members all but gone by this point, she had become an outlier of her own tribe. She became one of the main members of the tribe to deal with trade. She began to learn common from these people. She learned more of ways to control her fire and yet still use it...And she learned of love. What a silly mistake of a silly little girl -- and an easy way for a hungering man to take advantage of the child. They had warned her, but she didn't listen. They had told her, yet there she was with her cigarette hanging from her lips and the man in black settled beside her.She wanted to feel important. To feel love. And he was beginning to twist his hooks deep into her. And she became his little gem, hidden in the sand.
Oh, I'll drain your life 'til there's nothing left but your blood shot eyes.
lore : leaving and learning.
She was given an ultimatum. Die alone in the middle of the desert — raped and murdered and ravaged by Amalj'aa or perhaps the wildlife that outmatched her... Or she leave with the man in black.One night, upon a rude awakening by a shake of the shoulders, Asiya would find to her eyes would be revealed a broken landscape. Like the very calamity itself, her world was broken. Yurts were shattered bits of tarnished wood, snapped like craggy broken trees piked towards the skies, cloth and skins torn and burnt. The landscape was hellish, strewn items, everything broken, shattered, rendered devoid of use or life.Her tribe was gone... She was alone. There were no bodies, there were no bones, there was only the scent of burning flesh and strips of black ash strewn about the area. She was told she was alone, they were all gone — she was told so. She could see so. The man in black would finally relinquish a name that she could understand, through a smoky breath that smelled of meat and viscera and ash —Alder
. He spoke to her low, cannibalistic in his tone.She feared him this night. Her delirium in the moment tore her to shreds, and he shook the sanity from her very bones. She screamed, she cried, she pleaded to be left... But his shaking would turn to holding. Large arms like a wall that swept about her to keep her safe from the entity that must have stolen her tribe away.
"You will be alright."
He spoke into her ears that swelled with the sounds of her own anguished screaming — the throat tearing wails that left her mute. "You spoke ill of them, you knew they cared not for you once your family disappered."
He would lay into her mind. "I am here now, Asiya. You are not alone."
Whispered words would swim through her porous skull, soaking into her grief addled mind. She was naught but an angsty child, yet he spoke to her of things that she had spoken of once to him."They didn't care then, they will not care now."
He would insist. "They left you."
The words were carved into her very soul, strong palms about her wrists, dragging her from the depths of her despair. They bruised into her very essence, a feeling of grounding. An anchor in the face of an untrue confirmation of what she could do naught but believe.The truth of her life, her world, was lain bare before her. Her fears that once her family had disappeared, dead and gone, she would mean nothing to the others — naught but another female to be wrangled and used as a facet of the tribe, no individual care and love and attention... It was all made to be true. All spoken by a man who knew how to weave words into the mind of a tattered soul made malleable by loss.She would leave with him in the glow of the fires. They would trail after the others... And she would become independent of the tribe she once knew.

lore : ring around the rosie.

The following years were spent growing, learning, changing. After the life-changing circumstances that took her from the desert, she soon found herself in the city-state of gold. She walked with the shadow of a man ever in her wake, she performed fiery events for onlookers till authorities would shoo them away for their games without permits.What started as the simple life of a simple girl, she was brought up to be beautiful, to be graceful, and to utilize the fire that burned brightly within her. Dragged into things she never understood in the past, she was changed entirely. Glimmering fascinations, donning gems and swathed in silks and golds, Alder made a trophy of the child.By the time she witnessed her 18th summer, she was well into a strange relationship with the man, and yet... She still felt so aimless. So strange in her situation. She felt love, she felt special, but she felt some greater things were missing or otherwise stolen away from her. She would still do anything for him, to make him happy...And one day, that became something that would morph her life in full. The two would meet a Sharlayan performer, a man who had left a very reclusive homestead of his to travel the world and gather new knowledges of arts beyond the limits of his own origins. He brought something about that Asiya would come to know as cabaret.Alder took great interest in the new form of art, dance and theater — as well as what it could bring them, as he witnessed the man and his gathered troupe of misfits perform. Asiya didn't know what it was that she saw in Alder that day, whether it was a gleam that came with watching the coin fly to the feet of the performers — the way it enraptured the crowds — or the way they simply worked...No matter what it may have been, she almost knew in that look alone that he was concocting how to do it better. Not even a sennight would pass before the proposition was brought forth to her, his traveling partner. "You could do this, you know."
He would insist. "Imagine the gil we could make."
Alder spoke strongly of her skills, her talents, her latent singing abilities that he had witnessed through travel song... And so the training would begin.Some years later, the stage would see her. A young woman dancing, singing, and preforming till her lungs collapsed. Swallowing fire, telling tales and utilizing her finer attributes, soon enough she would be the one garnering the attention of the crowds... A one woman cabaret, with the occasional back up when Alder would find temporary individuals to aid in such. One such part-timer would take particular interest in the young woman; her own interest meeting his... At the spurning of the man who had 'saved her'.
A contract agreement would be drawn up when the going began to get good — "Something to protect us both!"
He would explain to her the night the paper was lain out. Not because of any disruptions in their relationship, not because of anyone attempting to 'steal her from him', of course not... After all, in his minds eye — she was his, wholly. That wouldn't stop him however, from interweaving magickal texts and clauses. T'would not stop the man from encasing the contract in hidden languages that she would never begin to fathom — all to protect his assets.Even when she asked, he spoke to her in soothing melodies. Even when she inquired, he would only reassure her. "No need to read it, you won't understand the words laid out — You can trust me. Tis for your own good, my darling dearest..."
Oh how the poor thing could do no such thing, her reading comprehension early on a bit of a swill. Yet even if she had attempted to thoroughly peruse his wording and his jargon... She'd never truly know what she was getting into, how he would come to hurt her next, nor how the boy she had fallen for would grow mysteriously ill and pass within a sennight of her signing her new contract with her honorary manager.Yet her own fate was doomed to be dealt with within the flame of a lantern. In the abyssal shadows of the late evening, she would find herself awoken rudely for the second time in her life... What she had not realized, was words had been written that would nigh permanently seal her fate with a man who wished for no end in sight — for either soul.Dressed in garb that would not alert her immediately, he set at the edge of her bed... With a small ritual dagger in hand. A dagger that would soon be drawn from clavicle to betwixt her breasts, gently rending her skin in twain. Blood would seep, yet she felt a pain far worse than any physical.Her metaphysical self was splitting, torn asunder from her core.
So heavy a pressure on her heart, she had sold her soul, unwittingly, and this man had every intention to follow through on written word to claim what was his... No sir nor madame would find her in their bed, not without knowing something horrid had happened. A hideous marring. Nothing would happen without him having an inkling that she was with someone other than him. Her very essence drawn into the grooves of a blade, the flame of a lantern would turn a deep, radiant red as it absorbed the very life force he chipped away.She bled, and she bled, and she bled for several turns of bells... Till the bleeding stopped and the wounds began to heal. He would leave her there, to understand what she had done, what she had caused in her misguided infidelity... In indulging in the greed of others....
lore : golden opportunities.
Life took strange and interesting turns as the days would pass in numbers. Handfuls, she lost count. How long had she been alone now? How long had she been under his control? Time passed, the years came and went like sand through an hour glass. With the years came changes to the world around them, changes to the lands and the people and the places... But them?They stayed the same. Except for their names... And if any aging was occurring, it was slowed ten-fold. It was easy to deal with at the time, at least. She did little more than dive bars. Venues. Seedier locales... She was popular, but she wasn't world renowned. Not that she'd ever likely be so popular, but an idol in her own right? Perhaps.They were not doing poorly by their own rights, but their gil wasn't as plentiful as Alder was hoping it would become. Their shows were wild, they were fiery, they were flashy... But perhaps it was ahead of their time just yet... And it brought Asiya some greater struggles in these times. While they had they gil...Alder was stingy. He hoarded it all away. They would live in a very small apartment, a kitchen, a bedroom, a livingroom and a bathroom... All with a futon on the floor for dear, sweet Asiya. She never complained, by this point she knew better... But her heart cried out each and every night.... Till something happened. Something was being built...
The Golden Saucer
. And Alder took no time learning who owned it. The Manderville Family was an interesting one to say the least.Godbert and Julyan appeared to take to Alder, Julyan perhaps more -- if not for Threnody's influence. She was more attractive, less wispy and shadowy. She wore golds that shimmered with ivory smiles that outshined even that. It took little time to begin their work with the couple, a performance or two for the Mandervilles and they got exactly what they hoped for...Granted, none of it was anything so forward... They snaked their way around, booked a venue they'd be seen at -- Soon enough, the offer arrived. A letter in the mail, gilded and sealed, inviting Asiya and Alder to dinner.Before she knew it, she had a new room within the Saucer. Alder had an office and room as well, and they had a steadier income than they'd ever known. Finally, Asiya could breathe... But something else came about soon after."Make a choice, a name. You'll need a stage name, a name to be known by. You will no longer be Asiya, of the defunct Viper Clan."
it felt such an insult, such a degradation, to be stripped of her name and yet, it would come so easily to her. before she could even consider, her lips would part... Call me Threnody.

Oh, I'll take my time 'til I show you how I feel inside.
lore : present.

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But you'll see, when someone else makes you this way.*

we will break away, together
i'll be the shadow, you'll be the light.

gold bunny.
where's the place you're most likely to find her? the gold saucer. miss threnody spends most of her days and nights in thralls of golds and colors galore. mayhaps you'll run into her after one of her shows? mayhaps you're there for one of her shows....? either way it's hard to miss her, donning, brassy golds and glittering diamonds most nights.viper tribe.
there once was a sec of the viper tribe that nestled within the depths of sagolii. they were a nomadic and travel heavy sort, yet there were ways to track them. ways to know they were still around. eventually, they all seemed to vanish one night. if your catter is a viper (i) tribe member, perhaps they recognize threnody from her youth. mayhaps they recognize her from the tribe before it disappeared, as they often traded with others.
threnody is well known for her performances in particular. she does not always perform at the gold saucer, but occasionally tours to various dives, clubs and lounges. perhaps you have seen her, are familiar with her fire breathing stunts, or you got so lucky as to have been in a particular dive the night she performed. either way, it isn't rare to come by whispers when she's around, talking about the golden performer, the intimidating dirty blonde woman.sour puss.
threnody, more oft' than not, bares the resting bitch face with pride. not that she even realizes she's doing it. threnody looks, when not realizing she's being observed, as though she'd either on the verge of an angry outbrust, or a depressive episode. A mix of the two even. Perhaps you've a drive to check on her? The gusto to see what's up? Dared to risk being chewed up for curiosity?

nothing ever lasts forever
we will go softly, into the night.

Alder Chernobog.
manager / lover / captor.
summary. [npc]. alder is the man who brought threnody into the world of gold, coin, sex and pain. She has known him since she was a teenager, and has been with him for several decades more.

Vera Volkov.
bodyguard / secret lover.
summary. a curious meeting, and a curious set of affairs has set Vera in the stone of Threnody's life. She adores the woman, she see's her as her best friend, and she hopes to hold onto her without Alder ripping his claws in and tearing her away.

character name.
relationship type.
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.
vera & threnody's gallery

photo & art gallery
nothing ever lasts forever — we will go softly, into the night.
other media
Commissioned 'Thirst Trap'
CW:Flashing lights/Images.
Send a /tell if you are interested in a similar video, I will connect you with the creator. ♥
Pinterest Aesthetic Board
CW: Implied abuse, potential blood, bruises, fire.
picrew art
devil man
name. alder chernobog.
aka. ???
age. 150+.
race. duskwight, elezen.
birthday / nameday ???
astrological sign / guarding deity. ???
gender. cis-male.
pronouns he/him.
sexuality. heterosexual.
height. 7'2".
weight. 210pz.
hair. black, salty greys.
eye color. lilac.
skin tone. greyish.
notable features. light facial scarring.
voice claim. TBD.
voice references. TBD.
occupation. management of threnody fang.
place of origin. gelmorra.
home. the golden saucer / ul'dah.
affiliation. the golde saucer.
family. none.
marital status. entangled with Threnody Fang..
d&d alignment. neutral evil.
mbti. INFJ-A . Theme(s).
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊹ i will possess your heart - death cab for cutie
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊹ mx. sinister - IDKHBTFM
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊹ not human - elegant slims
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊹ oh, darling? - ashboyo

You reject my advances and desperate pleas — I won't let you let me down so easily.